
This blog is where I'll be posting stuff from a class I'm taking at RPI, Graphic Storytelling.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mind Map

This assignment was to create a mind map from a lecture or a TV show. Scientific shows were suggested, so I decided to create this mind map from an episode of the show Mythbusters. Three myths were tested on this particular episode:
  • Does a sinking ship create enough suction to drag nearby swimmers down with it?
  • Does the memory of a goldfish last for more than three seconds?
  • If a trombonist packed explosives in the mute of his instrument and detonated them while playing, would the mute fly out and hit the conductor?
All three of the myths were busted.

To create this mind map, I used a plain sheet of paper, a black pen, and various highlighters. While watching the show, I simply took notes all across the page, adding little sketches and color to explain concepts and organize information.

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