
This blog is where I'll be posting stuff from a class I'm taking at RPI, Graphic Storytelling.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hmm, so this is a blog...

I've never made a blog before, but it's a requirement for my Graphic Storytelling class. So, here I am! I'm thrilled that RPI actually opened up this class to people who aren't art or game design majors, I've been wanting to take it for pretty much forever, and now it's my last semester and I finally got in. :D I looove reading manga (Bleach FTW!) and I've thought for a while that it would be fun to try to make a comic of my own; I feel like I've got the drawing bit pretty much down, but arranging drawings to form a story is something else entirely...I'm terrible at it. ^_^;; Hopefully this class will help me out, I'm really looking forward to the rest of the semester!

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